Saturday, January 31, 2009

safiiah ! ily beybee(:

pat nie aku tawuuk aku ugly ! ...
hahahahs ! :DD

semalam kuu tk update blog !
sowiee byk2.
sbab pnt la kans ! hmmph ! semalam ku gy visit atok aku pat hospital.
die sakit la kans.
cian diee !! hmmm n actually die boley balek nari but doctor tahan die. bcoz
ade la sebab2 die. hmmph !
den smlm kekek siol ! satu doctor nie mcm mr bean siol muke..
hahahhs !
aku ketawe tk stop la kansss.. hahaahahs ! btl tk bedek. kalau die act mcm mr bean comfirm da same. ahhahs

kk psl today :
wake up this morning,den madik..
makan, maen compp. hehehe (:
pk nak kua tapi tk jadii . lol !
hmmmmph .. mendak la siol ! safiahhh aku miss kaw siol ! pasal nari tk jumpee.

ku da blg... kau kan mataer aku ! hahahs FAKE JEk ..
hmph. k la update latter . otak da blank. duntnoe wad to say.
backkk !!
tadyy chat nan safiah,faistar,rais !
tady chat wip hym at msn(: he tegur me ferst !
den he say that irah ade tulis blog psl die ehk??
i say uh yapyapp. yy? u read..?
he say. nono my pwen bilang.
OMG ! hahahahs ! paisehpaisehh !
da gytukk he gyp me a kiss pat msn uhh..
n he srh tulis pat blog pasal die..
ahhsss. irah ok ejek ((;
hmm raissss !! ni irah betol2 tk tau nk tulis ape pasal u..
but i noe that u are veryy nice person (:
slalu ternampak u at padang atong..
haahas ! but sowiee tk lepak nan korang..
understand jek la kans my kwn nie. hahhahasss
n yaa... psl dat tym pn sowie i tk kol u... abey i srh u msg kalau nk i kol..
u tk msg pn. hmmph ! dun sad. b heppy ! k la takin care yawww

Thursday, January 29, 2009

to safiah the tectonic bitch :D
baybbeeeeeeyyyy !! im glad dpt bobal..
uat klakar wip ya.... n, recess wip ya.. , after skuul wip ya..
dapat jady ur kwn lagy ((;
i noe u were so sad bile i say our frenship is overr !
but seriouslyy i did not meant it siakk!!
n now. i wanted u to b my besties foever beybey !
lyk ur kakak kate.. kau perh suke uh nk kwn nan sape.
die bukan mak kau nk larang2 ...
kalau die brani mrh kau.. meh ni irah tolong. hahahhs !!
so dunt b sad. n be heppy tawuukk !!
if u are sad.. irah ikot sedeh la siol ! hahahas!!!
dieorg perh pasal nk bobal ape psl kite asal kan dorang bahadie k b
n asl kan our pwenship will never ends. ((:
sape kate u rampas irah dari dorang ??! its totally mepeks!!
jgn dgr k b!!
ily baybehh. next week jgn lupe jumpe samone wip me ((;
hahahhs !
n kecik ajak lepak.. bila plk mau lepak nan dorang??

aku syg aku perh SAFIAHHHH !! (replying)
tknk la siol stakat kwn biase !!!.
kau boleh tgk siakk lala n aku slalu gadoh la siol...
aku pn tk suke die.
no point siol jadi besties dorang but aku sendiri tk suke prangai dorang.
kau uat aku saket ati lagy ade...
i wanna us to b besties ok..
just dunt care psl lala larh !!
nono !! im always wip ya. i dunt wana u to b lonelyy !!
n yarh.. i dunt wana our frenship to b fade. tady our pwenshyp
ok jek. so i wana us to b a hepy besties n gerlpwens kk !!
no offence beybeh. promise me u will b my besties foever?! n dunt ever break our pwensyp even if sumbody try to break it..
promise me syg !!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

to safiah !
beb sial la. sape rampas sape sial !
kau tk rampas aku dari die la syggggg !
kau pn ade hak la siol nk kwn nan sape.
ehkk ! kau bukan sial la gurl.
eh aku plk yg sedeh ! haissss !
da uh ehk.

mls uh nk bobal lagy.
org da bagus tu go wip ya.
da uh ehk... kecoh perhhh?!
appe uhh. pasal kwn lagy satu.. kite due lost pwenship. padahal

this not i want sial ! !! ingatkan pwenship kite will never end.
darhh uh ! lupe kan saje niat baek ku ituu !
yela nk sendiri gy uh ehk...
pat skola kau sorang jgn sala kan aku uh ehk.
org da nk gy nan die, die yg buat prangai srh gy nan lala...
padahal kau kan tau aku mmg tk suke die.
appe arhh !!! fine !! aku gy nan dorang.
da uh takin care.
BYEBYE sweetheart !!
frenship ends here !!
kau yg mentak siyol !
hais.. :'( :'( :'(
i just lost one of my besties here !!!
appeeeee uhhhh !

to safiah (replying)
u are not a loserr la siyol !!!!!!!
haish ! dun slalu ckp gytuk uh siak !!!
u are a nice gerl tauuuuuu !!
u still haf me soo dont b a miss independent !
appe uh ehk kalau da tk sudi jady besties irah lagy.
irah paham ! sungguh paham...
da uhh..
but one thing always b by ur side :'(

siyal larh pening siak pk psl nie..

b !!irah mentak maaf ! i did not mean to busted u tadyy.
not mean to tinggal kan u !! tapi nie bodo perh lala gy pakse srh cabot !! sowieee dear !!
haiss ! im feeling soo sad tawuk !
no matter wad our frenship will never end kk b !
irah janji tk akn tinggal kan u lagy !
kalau lala confront u ke ape ke,
i will stop her kk
dont worry bby ! i'll always b by ur side((:
n lala nye prangai !! seriously stop it siyol !
i noe lala ! u care pasal irah.. but kau buklan mak aku siyol nk tentukan sape boley jady besties aku n sape tk ley !
its kindda mepek tawuuk !!!

to ayuu! sometyms pn i hate ur prangaii la kans !! tadyy tk pasal2 die tendang org. ahhas
mayb org sala ckp kot.
lol !!! tk pasal larh kan ! asl kan die bahagie..
serious sak kalau lala apape kan safiah irahh suppot safiah. so dont woorryyy tawuk !!:D
n dont ever say that u "a loser bitch"
coz u are actually a nice gerl ((:
siyoll laaaaaa !!! ape nie kwn tk kwn. cam childish siall ..
wth !
n hasrruul!! u are my best classmate guy pwen that i ever had (:
tadyy.. i share cite pasal my ex wip hym..
die nasihat kan ku..
padahal ehk dulu sec 1 kite due enermy la siyol. die slalu kutok ku. but now da mcm kwn palling rpt ! woohoooo !!
gereks !den every lesson cikgu srh ddk nan die. omg !
hahahhahs !! den ddk jek uh. bobal2 tk stop siyool. ketawe2 tu sume ((:
hahahs ! he make me laugh lyk hell. hahahahsss
kecoh perh hasruulllll !!
u very the funny !(:
nn but still a lonely gerl here !~
n yaa ! tadyy gy padang atong nampak raisss ahoy lagy !
sowieee not to say im sombong tauuu !
coz my pwen yg tknk lepak nan korang. so takkan irah sowang kan gy lepak wip ya.
malu irahhh. kalau ade safiah mesty ley lepak. tapi nie ayu n lala..
dorang manerr pandang kwn irah ! wad the fuck !
sowieee ehk korang kalau irah nie .. haissssshhh !
rais sowie :(

safiah sowie:(

dani oh dani(ex)
comfirm nga bace org perh blogg...
nk bace jekk tau die nie. hahahs !!
lol. meeeeeeeeeennnndak nie..
nantok tapi tk ley tdo.. cam aner tuh?? hahahs !!
kk la sambung besok !
chiowss !
comp lag ! haiyooooooh

due gambar jek sempat ku edit.
nga nantok nie.
hahahs !
nn aku syg ku perh safiahh ! ((:

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

tadyy gy jumpe my syg ; safiahhhh ! hahas
den together gy sembawang jumpe our kwn..
jumpe opick,ami black,kechik n more !
ahahhahs ! its bored. coz pompan n laki seperated sak ddk.
hahahs ! abey me n my pwen paiseh. hhahahs !
hmmph den dorang pangel srh ddk nan dorang.
hahahs ! den kite due all the tgk tempat laen ...
hahahhs ! opickkk jahat sak. die stare org.. abey org stare die alek la kanss..
abey i say aperh tgkk.
den die kate peace ! hahahahs cute la tuuh ((:
last long wip your mataer ok opick !
amiiii !! kate rinduu ... abeyy stakat kate hii. den gy maner ntahhh !
wad the... thenn.... safiahh my cute baybeee !! snap snap pic wip me !
ohh shes so HAWWTTT !!!
safiaaahhhhh ! kau yg hawtt not me !! asl la. kau letak gambar aku yg tu tk lawaaa la syg !
hahahs !! takperh2 !! i am hu i am ! tk suke tgk ku.. den press(x) on top kae korang
hahahahhahs ! den kol bape ntah kite chiow!
kol 7 tk sala... gy kol faistar ..
kecoh siol ! ahhas.. dorang srh trn bedok. me n safiah da mcm. tk pe laaa...
n faistar wanted to blanje us if we trn bedokk coz kiteorg kate kiteorg pokai.
lol ! kecohkecohhh !

Monday, January 26, 2009

theres sumthing in my head that i wanna noe
naperrh uh lakii tk ley setierr ??!
bukan aperhh uh. thats the fact.
bile org nk setier mestie break punyer ! haisss.
hmmm.. now im really lonelyy. but irah pn at the same tym tk ade mataerr. bcoz ape?? becoz irah tknk saket ati lagyy.
nie my second last ex(mi) maseh lom blh luperr. n maseh sakit ati n masehh tertanyer2 ape kesilapan ku hingga die mesty pergii tgglkan akuuu ! padahal.. org da buat yg terbaek sia utk die.. bukan senang nk lupe die coz when im sick die jage la siol. mase irah muntah2 sebab saket. die jageer ! tu yg palling irah tk ley luper. lagy2 die kipaskan coz that tym irah nga panas gyler.
ohh god !! kalau tym cn go baq kan best ! i tried to do more better thaen i am now. haissss ! n i'll never let hym goo. hais !! n my last ex(dani) sowieee la. psl mi nie yg slalu org ingat uat org nan dani break. tapii its okehh..
lonely pn lonely larh.. dari pade saket ati kan kan?? !
lagy baek single. tol?! lol
hmmmphhh...skarang akuu betol2 jeless larh siyol! kakak2 aku still okeh wip their mataer !
oh goshhhhh ! haahhs !! takper2. last long kakak2 kuuhh

heloo sumerr ((:
tady gy lepak at 100+ ((:
lepak wip ayuu.
haahs ! den pakai aju nie. (:
yg smlm my mum belikan.
hmm.. den.. ade laki nie. pat atas..
when me n ayu pat bawa..
sebuk siak.
ashik kacau2 jekk !
my pwen geram buat silly face pat dorang.
sial la pk dorang lari bile my pwen buat gytuk..
dorang ketawe n senyum lagy adeee.
sial laaa... hahahs ! tapi gereks jgk.
hahass! hmmph ! bey lek2 sampai kol 7.30
den kite gerak aru laki tu gerak.
ok pa buat kwn lagy !.. kan irah da kate. frenly maaah ! hahas
tapi not frendly to org yg ku benci otehhs !
n actualyy semalam plan nan safiah. pk nk lepak nan die nari.. but sowieee tk jady.
jgn mara kae b... mayb sok i lepak wip u..
safiahh kate ami black rindu aku. tol tk tol?? hahahs kecoh !
hmmphh ! safiah ajak lepak at sembawang sok??! but safiah.. irah msg ami, die tk reply pn..
ohh pp8 die low ehkk?? kalau gytuk cam ner nk cntact diee.
hmmph ! think bout it nnt uhhh.
hahahahahhaah !:D

Sunday, January 25, 2009

sat irah , mum n sys gy bugis ((:

belii satu bajuuu nie. !

haahs !! bajuu "I LOVE MY BOYFRIEND(ex))"

heheh. n my ferst sys beli baju same tapi kate2nyer laen uh ((;

hahahs !! fav siot baju gytuk mcm ! thanks mum fer beli kan baju tuuuh !

here gambar bajunyaa pat atas ..

hmmmph den after dat tidur umah nenek untill sunday which is today ((:

aruu jek alek umah nie. :DD

hmmph ! ok paa. lepas alek jek maen comp. lol !! yey ! sok tk skolaaa ! n tues pon !!

hahahahahhs !! wanted to go out besok !! ahhs ! mayb with ayu or kalau die tk free just stay home..

butt !! safiahhh ! how to contact you??

kk reply tawukk ! ((:

Friday, January 23, 2009

gambar da lamer siyol ! hahahs ! tkper2.
jiwa kakak perh pasal. hahhhas
abey mendakkkk la kansssss ! da tk de keje..
haaahsss ku syg my real blood sys !! ((:
the picture above ((: my ferst sys n second sys (:
ila baybee n switykechik are much loved !

meeeeeeennndakkkk la sioll.

&& to miiiiii ! irah mish kamu :(

i tried to forget you but i cant. tengok bertapeee susahnyer nk lupe kan kamuu ! but i guess you already forget me. never mind la :(

hmmphhh... n now. I'LL NEVER LOVE AGAIN OK !

irah tknk ade mataer till hati irah terbuka utk kembali bercinte yawwwww. i hate the word goodbye.. tu pasal.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

tk perluu spam orgg la sial !!
tkde life ehk spammers. ciannyerr !

org tawuk uh kening org cam the rock. abeyy asl???
den den????? ape/?
takder masee uh ehk nk uat sumthing pasal my kening n tkde mase nk lyn spammers2 nie sume !!
mepekk la siall !
tk menyusahkan kau kannnn buto ! bodow per GUESTT !
tk kacau kau.. takmu kacau aku la siall !
kk tadyy ku gy skolaaa. bored abes !

boley tdoo sak dgr cekguu perh bobal.
hahahhs !! :DD
hmmph k la till here tk tau arhh ape nk tulis.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

sowiee da lamer tk tulis blog .
hahhs ! hmmph. nothing to say la kanss..
tady tk pi skuull... mls . lol
hahahss !! n ya.. semalam ku gadoh nan satu laki ni.
gadoh pat malay class. dpn cekgu lagyy.
name die?? tk perlu tawuk ok.
hahahahs ! pat class ku sepak ni laki siol !
abeyy irritating sangat. campak kertas kene muke aku sial. sampai ku nanges. kertasnya tajam plk tuu.
den cikguu nampak tapi eksyen tak tau. cikguu pon satuu !! nk side kan lakii jek. mepakkk sial !!
den sume pujok aku.
hmmmph !! die pk ape sak . nk uat org gtuk mcm..
but sowieee tau kalau org terlalu kasar. at the ferst place jgn kacau org kalau tknk kene sepak k boi !! k gooh.
kk tady, ku lepak nan lala n ayu lolly ... ((:
kite asap n ya .. tu jek ((;
RIIIIIIIIINNAAAA SHYG ! aku mish kau bodo.
bila mau lepak ??
hahahhas ! pat skola sombong seh.
hahaahs !! kk tu ejekkk. ..


Friday, January 16, 2009

hmmphhh ! tady gereks sia...
ayu,yanie,lala,ryna ,mini,putreyATEQ
hahas ! asap den kecohgyler siol tadyyy !
hahahhss ! RINAAAAAAAAA ! at last dpt lepak nan kamu lagyy sehh...
hahs ! appe pcet. nie uh superrbaby trn ! haaahahhsss
kk tu jekk.
n tady otp nan RAIS ! hahahss
kk tu ejek. jab agy he kol lagyy.
kk chiows !! :DD
besok lepak kk rina syg !
tataaaa ~

Thursday, January 15, 2009

i miss mi kecik.
i miss mi kecik.
i miss mi kecik !!!
haisssssssssssss !!
irah tk tau siakk yy i stiill jek ingat2 kan die.
padahal die da jady ex.. n ntah die maseh ingat kan irah ke tk...
haiyoo. ... hmmph !!
i still remember ur berthday date..
haish.... n i wont ever will forget our precious dates 081008 , when we ferst stead.
hmmphh ! now that im alone... n im single..
those memoriess cum back to my head...
ohh its hurts when i think back psl cite lamerr...
guys are always guyy !!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

nothing to say...

butr heres a gambar aru jek edit (:

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

im settlee wip lala !
hmmph ! semalam gereks sia !!
after skool kuu lepak nan ayu,fifi,idahyu n lots more.
haas best sia !! hmph...
irah nan ayu melatta sia. kekek sak.
den laki pat sebla sibuk2.
hahahs ! cam siak tol larhh.
den metak my num..... ohh ! lol...
hahs uat kwn ape salanyer lol !
haahahhs !! kecohhh babe.
:D ayuuu imy sia !!
ahhahahs !
kk tu ejekkk. den pasal tady,
lepak padang atong lagyy...
nan lala , idahyu n me..... hmm.....
tu jek kk (:
chiows !

Sunday, January 11, 2009

to dani sat sat kaesiow..
bukannya ku tak sayang pada mu...
tapii... kadang2 we haf to leave even if we dunt want to.
hmms... i noe im not gud at lighting ur dayys.
but ya... i hope u find a better gerl then me okehh..
just ferget me.n start anew. hmm..
kadang2 perangai u yg uat irah tk suke or wad gytuk...
mcm... if u nk lepak nan sape ke.. blg irah la kans..
u just make me lyk not ur gerl. ape u uat pat luahh langsung irah tk tau...
thats y... hmmss.
n i noe u wana break bcoz of my perangai jgk..
but i've tried to move on wip ya...
but i fail. n now i think im going to b single till
im okeh to get a r/ship again...
hmmsss.. ya. danii ! i will never ferget you ok.. lyk how i can't ferget mi.
i hope we dunt b enermy aites...
hmms n if ur jodoh nan lala. go ahead la...
irah tk larang.... as long as u heppy ((:
hmm.. but since we are apart dun ferget me...
take care n b heppy always.
pape pcet jek... tapi kalau me tk reply means pp8 low.
byebye to 21 december 2008.

helooo world !
haissss ! when i wana forget mi.. mesty ade jek tau die atau kenangan muncul.
haiyooo. irritating tol larh.
tadyy lepak pat padang atong ...
before we go there... ,
ayu fetch irah pat my block...
hmmph... bile kiteorg da sampai padang atong daera 126 situu,
ternampak hafiz, tomoki,fuad.danial n more that is our skull frens...
haiyoooo ! mepeks toll la ehk.
hmm... den ..
tgk kude kepang jab daera 100+ tk sala.
hahahhas ! :D:D

den... bile lepak pat padang atong satu org ni muke die samerh tau nan mi atau adek die.
ntah la ehk.
time alek.
den jln pat shell daera 146 situu ade satu mat ni .. IRRITATING la kansss.
pk my fren ckp oi pat dorang.
padahal she say oi at me.. jgn prasan ok mat.
hahhahs !! hmm den mat tu blg kwn die ape ntahh den tunjok2 pat irah n kwn irah..
kite due da ketawe2 sak. n buat bodoh jek pat dorang.
so the .. hahaahhs !!
kk den balek kol 8.30(:
thats all.....blablabla...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

i give up wif relationship. single fer the better ... :D

nasty meow a.k.a shafina ((:

heppy berthday syggg !! :D
hope u having fun just now at sembawang park !

im soo sowieeee tk dpt trn :(
hmm n sowiee tk de present !
syyggggggg ! imysm n ilysm....
hope to meet u again soon fina sygggggg !

hmms ! da mls arhh nk ade guy !!
guys sume same.... mmg uh ehk ... irah yg tk baek..
yg ape?? yg tk lyn dani sangat.. tapi ape.. org bz.. die lepak nan ex die. boley perh gytuk.
tk blg lagy ! WOW !!
lala ley simpan gamabr kau lagy dani....
aku da single ! yey single babe !!
DANI SAT SAT ! gy la balek nan kau perh ex..
lala !! n lalaaa !!
pk aku tk tau perh siakk. kau tulis
pat buku ke kertas yg DANI LOVE LALA !
den kate tu kakak kau yg tuliss..
ohh pk kiteorg bodo perh tk tau tulisan kau?? !!
suke die??.. gy jek uh siol.
irah tk larang !
when aku tanye kau suke dani la tu la ni la....
kau kate aperhh syg?maner adee.. tk ehk? palahotak kau..??!
ohhhh skarang baru aku tau tk means ape..
lol !! da arh psl buto nk break pwenship?? da arh ehk mls nk kate lagyy.
skarang sume kite perh kwn sokong aku la ehkk....
siaksiak ! besties sendirie pn nk backstap... buto !
arhh pape la. da break pn....
tknk amek tau psl korang perh cite lagy !

tittle :hembusan
by;abg chiko n alhafiz..(:
sedap kan suare dorang :D
hmmsss !! mendakkk sakkkk !!kk chiowss !

sowiee fer not updating my blog these few days..
comp ashik lag. mls nk on comp.
hmmm tadyy lepak-ing wip frens ejek. at padang atong ((:
hahahs:D saw rais la sehhh !:DD
hmms than taking pics n moree...
lol !
den blablabla....
semalam gadoh wip danii n saw hym.. he ask fer break.
bcoz.... ade la cite die.
ehkk danii !! nk jeles kan irah bukan gytuk perh care la ehkk ok !!
nk lala gy la siol !
hmms... hope u find org yg lebeh baek n cantek dari irah superrbaby la okehhh goo !
tkde mase nk lyn ni sume.
now im free !! lol n u alsoo free ...
hmms.. to lala!!!
ehkk gerl.. u use to b my besties !!
but now... u make me feel lyk u r not my besties anymore..
ntah la ehhh
babe ! i noe u feel takot to hadapan wip me n tknk break the pwenship..
aku tgk arh dulu nk maafkan kau ke takk.
kau da backstep aku la siol..
kau kan byk kwn... maner care psl aku lagy kan lala !!
pape la ehk ! !
no more a.b.k la babe !!
ape la... pat skola ley cite...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

sulaimiiiiiiii !
theres soo manyy things that i cnnt forget bout u sia.
aaarrh ! naper nie.. ur name will always remain ..
hmmm ! i hope u also will never forget me too yaw...
haisss !

now adayss comp ashik lag jekk.
tuh yg uat ku mls nk on comp !! ahhss.
kk back 4 updates. sowiee yaww lamer tk tulis blog ((:
today gadoh nan boifee.
ade la hal2 die. tknk cite uhh !!
hmmphh n todayy lepak nan kwn jek after skuul.
quit fun n bored ! lol !! ((:
n tgk video psl mi n hys pwen..
hahahass my kwn name die acap ade dorang perh video.
ntahh la. ade org nga maen guitar .. yg ade nga baring n more .
hahaahs ! cutes la kans !!:D
makes me smile bile tgk mi ade pat video tuh ! lol !!

kk drop the subjet !
siall lahh !! EBS lesson cam puki siakk.
cikguu bobal tak stopp xiol ! hahahahahhs ! cam train sak...
tapi best tk blajar.. tdo jek lohhh !

Sunday, January 4, 2009

i was so boredddddddddd xia !!
but !! thanks mum fer blanje irah mani things !
lol...hmmphhh ! skarang irah nga selsema..
haiyoo. bile nk baek nie.
mepek la kans....
hmm.. sooo the.....
n yaa...tady bile tgk minyak wangii nan my sys..
den try2 uh. testing2.
hahahahs ! tangan gatal. lol
den sprey2... die perh bawuuu same la siol nan mi perh bawuu.
so the sedap.. n teringat skejab psl die !!
hahahhahas !!

danni keep on smiling. jgn la jeles (;
kk tu ejekk...

Saturday, January 3, 2009

ok now back to updating my blog.. :DD'
tadyy went out wip my mum n sys ((:
gy np jekk.
hmmphhh !! skola mcm mepak sakkkk !
hahass !! cikgu2 nyer irritating nk mampus la kans...
hmmph but happy that i cn meet my pwens again.
hahas (:
den den tadyy mimpi mii lagyyyyy ! yey !hahahhas
hmm k la i guess tu ejek yg i can sayyy ....
nothing more to sayyy.
kk chiows...

That babychikaa.

101194 ♥
im an easy qoinq person, pampered child ♥
i'll may be your worst niqhtmare at times.(:♥
I may not be perfect but i am who i am.♥
dont lyke me? well who cares ♥

Music Playlist at
safiah tectonicfukinbitch syq ??
Enna syq ??
riri herni syq??
Nasty meow syq??
blood systers:
switykechik syq??
ila beybe cine syq??
Girlfriends cintaa precious ?:
emiiliya syq?
Hunny noninonino syq ?
mirakateqq syq?
nana kido syq ?
nini ciner syq
ayushortie syq ?
Amaliah nauqhty syq
Zakiah syq
Dewi kechiq star syq?
aisyalala syq
Yani babygurl syq?
kak nicha syq
mimispade syq?
mia nyemphet syq?
fyna rascal syq
keisha syq?
lala deluna banqs
zirah syq
Wanie syq
cheha syq
Ayu syq
lyyn syq
naninu syq
nana kaesioww syq
Ennaakechiiq syq?
Nurra syq
Myra keai syq
Syaakechiq syq
Eyfakechyk syq
Shirah beylo syq?
Naina syq?
masturina syg?
ila rockstar syq
Lawren loved
Nazurah syq
Nana ciner syq
Babycino syq
GuysPwenss awesome one ;
kechyq sweets
hussin kuai kuai
ijan rascal
Yayat stupid boy
Dani sat sat


December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
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July 2011
November 2011

Thankyou so much.

.Most teasured in my life :) ♥.