Friday, February 27, 2009

my safiah !
today was verry tiring day everr beybehh !
tadyy ade cross countryy... pat admiralty park !
omg ! penat gyler siall !! 2 round lak tuu.
hahahahhs !! but enjoy pat saner ~
hmmphhhh !..
but sebelom gy admiralty park..
we gy beli mkn n minom ferst (:
wip ayu,safiah,fizah n zulaikha :D
n ya.... den mkn cuppy cake safiahh bagy kiteorg !
awwwww ! sweeet la tuuhhh !
yum yum !~
sedap beb ! n colournye sungguh lawarr !~
hahhahs !!
hmmph then tadyy pat msn..
i wish her n gip her a berthday song !
ahahs ! i love you besties;
n yaaaa !!!~
irah nan lala tk berape rapat tadyy
but then.. irah mcm nk bobal nan lala..
soo i bobal uhh..
den da gytukkk ...
my other besties cam tk suke..
haaahahhahas ! kecoh !~
n yaaahh. tu ejekk !

to safiah;bitch (:
heppy berthday yaww safiahhhh kuuu !~
sowie taww if irah tkde pape nk bagy ...
but hopes your dream cum true shyg !~

Monday, February 23, 2009

today was a verry boring day uh kanss..
hehees ! nothing much to say actualyy..
haishhhh ! mendak siaa...
da larhh hp rosakk ... da tk ley msg org :(
haiyoo yoo..
da gytuk lonely lak tu pat umahhh...
haishhhh !! hmmmph !...
betol perh mendakk la oi......
sasuey perhh nariie !!!
mmg lonely la tkde mataer sbb ..
tk kluar n tk boley manjer...
buttt !! ahhh... not ready la nk ade mataerr.
tkperh la.. let me b lonelyy...
hmmmphhh ! at least pwens ley uat irah happy la kanss...
irahhh keep on smilingg kaee. ((:
haishhhhhhhh !!!
kk chiows!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

sowiee ehk krg..this few days irah busy wip skools..
so tkde tym sangat nk update blog ...
hmmmph !!~
smlm lala n me....
hahahahs!! kk tknk blg ...
n yaa... tady gy flag day la akns.
pnt rabaq dok !.. heee
all the way nan lala jekk ..
lol !! peace !..
ape ehk lagyy nk tuliss....
ouhh yaa n lala !! thanks fer blanje irah tadyy !!~
n ya fer ika,zulaikha,fizahh makacey byk2 ehk fer jaagee irah pat skola smlm !..
hee!! maafkau menyusahkan..
hahaahahhs ! :D

Monday, February 16, 2009

i hate la kans velentine day this yr...
arghh takperh 2....
den abeyy bile org klua nan mum ,sume org nan partnerr drg..
hmmphh !..
hahaaahhs !!... tkperh2.. sgl lagy best ! lol !
da la my second sis .. swity kechik dpt bear besar dari mataer die !!..
da tu nk uat org jelesss...
lyk FUCK ! tk jeles.. blueksss..
hahaaaahhs !! :P
think twice nk ade mataer lagy k irahh !.
hahahahs ...
velentine dayy this yr is sooo boring to me la kans..

den yesterdayyy gy my sedare kawin..
pnt la kans ..panas lak tuh...
but its so romantic dorang kawin !!.
awwww ! ahhahss..
den alek jek mkn den tros sleep. ahhass...
damn pnt !~
narii ntq happen to me ((:

Saturday, February 14, 2009

tadii gy gunteng fring la kans ((:
hahahhahs ! pk nk gy tamp mall. wip mum n sys.
but tk jadii !(:
kk tu jek. ntq more to say..
dada !~

Friday, February 13, 2009

mendak siyol ~
tady kuu tk pi skola...
padahal ade test sia !!
hahahs ...
hmmphh ! that day yg irah tk update blog...
cekqu spot checkk beq kiteorq sia !!
sbb ni budak cinerr kate beq duet die ilang....
mampus sume kene spotcheck ...
my beq that tym ade rkk..
lyk fuck sak !!hahaahs ! otak da tol tol blank..
tk tau ape nk uat !!
kk ni kekek qyler babi nye...
irah kan ddk nan hasrul..
den i say.. hasrul ! sial larh... irah bawak rkk sial ..
how?? den hasrul kate...
kau sembunyikan kat maner2..
i was lyk siyol laa... he say maner nk.. kene couqht ke atau save kan..
dennn i follow wad he say..
sume block kans irah ! hahhas
thanks to them !!
nasib sehhhh !~
pasal nari ntq to sayy !!! :)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

heloo ppl !! (:
todayy irah gy tamp mall la kans nan mum n second sys .
hmmph ! ... bla bla bla.. mls nk cite la knss !
hmmph ! ehkk mendak siol !
haiss !! wanna noe wad??!
irah kadang2 pon jeles la kansss bile org sume ade mataer !
lol ! ya jeles tu jeles but kan.... mls uh nk ade mataer !
kalau setier tkperh ! nii . hayooohhh !>

lol !! n ya .TERPERANJATT gyler babi nyeer....
when isaffi n sommman kol !
omg !!! thay say nk irah....

wth... ok irah rase tu sume nk maen2 jekk !..
i agak2 jekk ...
irah tk eccept fer a reason !..
fer me , dorang mcm nk maen2 kan jek ..
better stay sgl ... but dorang tanye y seh ni sume...
haiyoh haiyoh !
then isafi kate die rindu irah.. ok la bukan die sorang..

eena pon kate
die rrindu irah..
ok irahh pn rindu korang jgk bebs !!! (:
hahahs !! tapi sowieee la kns !!
kalau irahhh free then trn...
coz bukan tknk trn lagy..
lyk.. arhh paham2 kan jek kaes !
but im thinking ! naper tibe2 kol irah !??
hmmmph ! mcm laen jek !! ohh nk velentine day kann !! ahahhss
ntahh ehk.. nie sume guess jekk !
tkderr !! irah takot kalau trn admiralty alekk thenn...
kalau teringat2 kan mi alek cam aner..
coz theres soo many memories about me n hym pat sanerrrr...
n also mayb la die pn masehh lepakk dgn isafi sume...
sooo.... tknk ingat2 kan die lagy.....
still rase masehhh syg tu ade...
ehkk susah la nk lupe kan die....
ape ilmu die pakai ni.. k FAKE ! hahahahahhss !
kk gota move on wip my life ...
hahahaahhahs !
lirics thats y u go away ;)
Baby won't you tell me why there is sadness in your eyes
I don't wanna say goodbye to you ..Love is one big illusion I should try to forget
but there is something left in my head ..You're the one who set it up now you're
the one to make it stop I'm the one who's feeling lost right now ..
Now you want me to forget every little thing you said..
but there is something left in my head..
I won't forget the way you're kissing..
The feeling's so strong were lasting for so long..
But I'm not the man your heart is missin
That's why you go away ..
I knowYou were never satisfied no matter how
I triedNow you wanna say goodbye to meLove is one big illusion
I should try to forget but there is something left in my head
I won't forget the way you're kissing
The feeling's so strong were lasting for so long
But I'm not the man your heart is missing
That's why you go away I know
Sitting here all alone in the middle of now here
Don't know which way to go
There ain't so much to say now between us
There ain't so much for you
There ain't so much for me anymore
I won't forget the way you're kissing
The feeling's so strong were lasting for so long But
I'm not the man your heart is missing
That's why you go away
I know That's why you go away I know

Saturday, February 7, 2009

irah superrbored (:
wake up this morning , mandik den
maen comp.. cam biase !
chatting wip ppls !! i was damn bored noww !
hahaahahs !! sumone pls make my dayy exciting plss !!>
mendak la sia !
hahahahahas !! kk den tolong mum masak !
cheychey baek la kans irah (:
hahaahhahs !!;)
bout skola :
kk gotta say that im bored
la kans pat class !!
da la tk samerr
class nan ayu, lala .. hahahhas!!
still strong yaww ...ckp nan cekgu da bagus sia
ku dtg skolaaa ..
daripade last yr..
lol !!! n baek perhh hafiz da tk kacau irah lagy ! yey !
hahahahhs !! n safiahhh,lala,ayu !!
irah kwn sumer org okeh ! ku nk rpt nan sume org !
bukan rpt nan krg ejek !
thats it ! saperh2 tk suke ke aperh ke..
tu krg perh psl !! (:

Play Me (2008) - Kelli

Friday, February 6, 2009

smlm i did not updated my blog la kans..
coz nantok sangat..
hahhs !! n smlm msok skola lambat !! hahahs
da due kali lol !
den recess lambat gy hall. bey kene pakai sliper..

kene dc after skool . lyk fuck sak 45 mint !
hahahaas kecoh perrh !!
ahahhs .. den cekguu nie irritatingg. aim aku siyal !!.

n yaa.. my pwen lala pn binget nan cekgu die..
hahahahs nape la cekgu ashik aim me, lala n ayu !!.
kiteorg muke jahat pe??!!
haiyooh !

n yaaa bout tadyy ...
went out wip my 2 systers, mum..
dad tk dpt ikot. he keje (:
kiteorg gy bugis la kans !
heeee (:

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

smlm chat wip unta bergg the pakcik !! oopss sowie. hahahahs
die srh irah gy skola nari.. but irah ckp yg irah tknk !!! abey
die kate stakat psal dnt tknk dtg skola ..
i was lyk !! ahhahahs den die pakse srh dtg jgkk..
hmmph !! den irah kate tk nkkk !
lol !! den bella !! ahhahahs !! bile die tgk laen.. sume maki die termasok irah..
cikguu tu kan cam mepek !! haahahss !!
bout nari tkde cite mau blg ((:

Monday, February 2, 2009

tadyyy pat skola kecoh.
aku nan hasrul kecoh siol pat class ! wohooooo !!
hahahaahs !!
hmmph ! cpa lesson cam sial !!

aku nga print skali ni printer uat hal..
sasuey uh ehkk.. den hasrul seat beside me.. n he sayy
mari la die tolong.. lol !! den uat content page..
exacly samer la kan nan work die.. stakat tukar namerr...
check2 printer die pn sot2... den cikgu kate maner ur work nazirahh..
den hasrul kate..
gyni.... sume.. cikgu kate how cum same as u??
hahahahhshsh !! hasrul da tk ley bobal.
den cikgu plk yg mara aku.
PUKIMEK ! hahahahas !
apape uhhhh ehkk.
n DNT ! tk paya nk bandeng2 kan aku nan izah la oiii !!

izah kan pandai siall !
aku tk tau uat kann cam ner nk uat !. sial perh cikguu !

beyy tk perlu uhh ehk lecture2 .. mara2....
hahahahss!! pk fun fair ! abeyy nk lecture org...
da bagus siol aku uat. daripade tk uat !! ahhahas !!!

daripade hasrull tk uat langsung.. den tk mara plk..
puki ! den cekgu pompan ni nk mara pompan jekk.
wtf !! den after skuul lepaking wip ayuu.n safiah

lala tk pi skuul beb.
n ya actualli theres mani thing i gota say..
mls uh nk ckp panjang2.. im so tired now.
update letter...
i noe im uselesss tkperlu kate lagyyy ! hahahas;)

chiows beybehh !

Sunday, February 1, 2009

aku rinduu lepaking at woodland ..
sumpah siak ! irah pn tk tau naper...
i miss all my pwens at there ! omg !
walaupon ade pahit kenangan di situ...
haiss. eeeeennaa i miss ya !
n sume laa..
hmmphh !! nga boredboredbored niee !!
sok skola. wtf ! tapi ley jumpe kwn .. ahahss
ok la... hmmph !

That babychikaa.

101194 ♥
im an easy qoinq person, pampered child ♥
i'll may be your worst niqhtmare at times.(:♥
I may not be perfect but i am who i am.♥
dont lyke me? well who cares ♥

Music Playlist at
safiah tectonicfukinbitch syq ??
Enna syq ??
riri herni syq??
Nasty meow syq??
blood systers:
switykechik syq??
ila beybe cine syq??
Girlfriends cintaa precious ?:
emiiliya syq?
Hunny noninonino syq ?
mirakateqq syq?
nana kido syq ?
nini ciner syq
ayushortie syq ?
Amaliah nauqhty syq
Zakiah syq
Dewi kechiq star syq?
aisyalala syq
Yani babygurl syq?
kak nicha syq
mimispade syq?
mia nyemphet syq?
fyna rascal syq
keisha syq?
lala deluna banqs
zirah syq
Wanie syq
cheha syq
Ayu syq
lyyn syq
naninu syq
nana kaesioww syq
Ennaakechiiq syq?
Nurra syq
Myra keai syq
Syaakechiq syq
Eyfakechyk syq
Shirah beylo syq?
Naina syq?
masturina syg?
ila rockstar syq
Lawren loved
Nazurah syq
Nana ciner syq
Babycino syq
GuysPwenss awesome one ;
kechyq sweets
hussin kuai kuai
ijan rascal
Yayat stupid boy
Dani sat sat


December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
November 2011

Thankyou so much.

.Most teasured in my life :) ♥.