Tuesday, March 31, 2009

light my day today.
awww n ur sweet werds.
tady chat nan die.. n die kate kalau rindu die.. dgr laguu dipenjara hatimu
den mls nk onlyn n update.. coz comp sort..
kecian ehk ajuun. aru nk chatt .
lol... ok ok meeett soon ajun~
ok la update esok or tonight.
tc readers~
ajunnnnn sweet guy la kans...
aww the sonq was damn touchinqqq...

Apit-Dipenjara Hatimu.mp3 - APIT

Monday, March 30, 2009

irah n mama(:


sha n irah

my second sys;shasha

heyyy readers,

today irah,second sys n mum gy hospital visit atok...

sok atok da ley alek.. wheee~

hahhas. ok ok im tired now.. soo

update tomorrow.

tc yawww...


heloo readers!:D
good afternoon yawww :D
today not in a mood to go skool la kans.. becoz my stomach cramp .. duuuhhh~
soo just stayinq at home..tapi bagos jgk tk paya go skooll.. :Dpeace~
hmmm.. k then update tonite yaw....
tc readers...

yesterday gereks
Sunday, March 29, 2009

sat wich is yesterdaywas damn gereks sak... nqa tunqqu mrt wip my sys ila, den nmpk Yanakechik. salam her n say uh mane menghilanq sehh?? die kate tk hilanq maner2. hahahs den exchanqe num coz we lost her num n she lost our num... da lame tk jumpe kate kan..
hahahahs !~ den plk tu drop samerh2 pat Toepayoh.. lepas tu we huq** each other coz we haf to go to seperate ways(: then she says pape msq taw.. denn she ask to gy orchard wip her...
But tk jady... coz irah sianq da plan nan
bellafeat kuu yg irah nk jumpe die pat Buqis..
awwwww sowiee ehk yana. kalau paitaw ke ape... n kecian
bella tunqqu irah lamer2 pat bunqis .. sowiee jqk k b ! hmmphhh. after met her at Buqis , kite tok2 n she kenal kan her pwen pompan nie. (: nice to meet herr n tk tau spell name die uh beb. hehhe.. den nampak lulu siao wip her pwens (: .. Bella kenal.. but irah tk knl. so just smile. hehehes. Then after that proceed to vivo.. coz nk meet my pendek n her pwens kwn bella. hahahas ! Then after that irah kene jady model sakk . satu laki nie kate can b my model fer 1 minute??? i was lyk.. bella da mcm. irah gy uhh.. so sumee tqk .. coz laki tu gy curl my hair ... but fer 1h die perh curl da hilanq n back to normal !paiseh tawuqqq ! sume orq tqk even the mat2 pat sane tqk lyk duhhh!
then sume nk try to curl rambot doranq. kekek la sehhh !
after that irah,bella,nan kwn die shika tk sala uhhh proceed to marina(:
pat mrt take pics ,toilet pon , and pat buqis we take pics. but all the pics sume pat
Bella la akns...
then pat marina nampak
kecyk rotyto. salam die n say ape kabar ??? he say oh kabar baekk.. hahas !den he say tqk tattoo kecyk lawar kan??...den bella kate gelap tk nampakk..
den kecyk ckp.. kan kecyk da bilanq bwk bwk torchliqht yg besarrrrrrrr punye .. tk nk dqr.. den bella kate bilemase kecyk ckp gytu. ahhahahs ..
den da tu irah ,bella n shika gy mac nk beli air.. den nampak Tiradalz (:
ohh she soo frendlyy larhh. hahas nice noeinq herr .. peace~
den at esplanade ade concert.. irah ,bella mcm pendek siol at least shika ley nampak...irah nan bellaa tk nampak langsung pat stage tu ape jadyy.. ahhahs..
den nampak hussain pat marina..... den he cubit my pipi n say maken tembam ehk irah. hahhas.. den da tu nampak ayu.huq** die .. den nampak lilu n huq** her oso..
den nampak Aini cine
den proceed to fourstick wip bella , aini cine,shika and me sume da pnt sakk... den bape mint lagy sume alek.. n ya sume pakai aju black colour sehhh !! cam da janji sak. ahhas. kecoh. den alek :D we alek kol 10.00pm. (:


Friday, March 27, 2009

today visit my atok lagyy. ohhh keciann seh tgk die.. die kene opperation !!.
haissshhh. ciannyerr !ward 53. bed17.But just now die kene transfer to ward 55.bed13 :D at NUH cepat sembuh atok.. n oh ya.... cant wait fer tommorow wanted to meet bella syyyyyyyg ! update tomorrow. n takin care readers ! i love yaw~

sowie paitaww..
Thursday, March 26, 2009

todayy irah angun lambt sehh.. 7.15 aru angun..
soo tk gy skolaa... kalau gy skool comfirm kene dc...
den to laaaalaaa tersyg !!..
irahh btl2 mentak maaff.. dont mean to paitaw....
angun lambat la kans...but sok i gy skool kk..
gossssssshhhhhhhh ! sok comfirm cekguu membebellll !
mulut tk stop..haiyoooo... hp rosak tk inqat ur num la sehh...
nn now irahh mendakk... !


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

today in skool quite Funnnn la kans..
at last dpt jumpe lalaaaaa !!
ohh miss herr. finalyy nampak die pat skool..
n oh ya... tady actualii ade class lambat kol 8.40 aru skola start..
but irah gy skola perh la cpt. pk kwn tunggu..
tapi paitaww ! sial btl..
den takpe gy skola srg2..
pat skola... nampak lala...
so all the way la wip her...:D
after skool je best...

pk tady nk lepak wip her,ayuu n fifi n lots more.. tapi tk jadyyy ..
but lala lepak. i irah go home....
sok aru irah lepak wip themmm ((:
goshhhh !! cpa tady wass damn nantokkk..
tk bwk buku.. nasib cekgu paham siakk..
hmmphhhhh.. k la tc readers..
chiows dulu~

Irah hate skooooooooooolllllllll ~

today in school..
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

today irah qy school...
slalunyerr irah tk gy skool. n tk suke sanqat uhh gy skool..
skooll today kinda boredd..
but lucky safiah sygg dtq school.
but ayuu tk gy skool.
dgr2 she sick.. just hopinq u will recover soon yaw syg..(:
hmm today at skool laki sume sooooo irritatinq sia.
make me anqryy jekk tawukk..
den doranq kate abey mrhh. sape tk mrhh when u are disturbinq me ..
lol ! den malay class kecohh pe sia!!!?
khai n hafiz gy lempah kasot tros terkene tinqkap. n guess wadd?
Pecahh la seh tinqkap oh goshhhh !..
cekquu binqet la sia dgn 3t1 n 3t2..
lol...... n oh ya.. yesterdayy did not come to skull then soo many homewerk la today..
ask safiah n her sys to help me wip 5 or 6 werksheet(math) beb..
leyy jady gyler siaa..
ahhahahs !~ den form teacher say wana gip warning letter coz tk pi skool fer soo many days..
org saket kan bodoh per cekguu. hahahs?!
tapii tk bagy2 pn tu letter.. takot ehk cekgu.. ciann ehk.
hahahhaahhs !..
but tomorrow kene gy skool.
da janji nan frenss..

Monday, March 23, 2009

helooo ppl... ok ok irah tk tawuk naperh today irah jiwanq la sanqat..

saje jekkk nk dqr ni jiwanq sonq...

bukannye pasra ok .

lol ! ahhhahhahas...

kk do listenn...

takin caree ppll !!~

Sunday, March 22, 2009

holidaysss is finishhhh !
goshhhhh !! sok skoollll.....
cepatnyerrr ......


heyy readers out there.. (:
tady ptq chat wip usopsmartyy..
die tanyerr tk klua perh narii ..?
i say tk lahhh.. den he say pemls.. i was lyk..
hhahahs !~ denn tady mum ajak kua...
so me,mum n 2 sys kua gy np..
mkn pat bbQ..
den kene gy hospital larh beb....
tgk nenek sakett..
arhh usopp org da kluaa tu..
so irah tk mls kaee beb !~
hahhahhass !!...
usop says... da lamer tk jumpe..
i say mmg pn...
hhahahhahahahahas !~
mesty larh da lamer beb tk trn marina ...
tu pasl irah miss byk org...
hahahaahhahahs ! kecoh perhh.
now nqa chattinq jekk.. BORRINQ !
hahahahss.. actualyy tadyy pk nk jumpe bella... tapi since die kua nan mataer die..
n irah klua nan my family..
so tk jady lagy nk kua nan die... hahahahas !!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

yeyyyy ! repairinq my handphone soonnn~

irah tk ley slipppp ~
irah tk ley slip~
irah tk ley slip~
irah tk ley slip~

den nampak danii onlyn n byk lagy org onlyn..... sooo chat la ape lagy ...

skarang nqa chat wip danni sat sat ,shafeeQ..
hahahahs !!.. n maseh freshh..
chatt wip danii..(ex)

n he says he sanqkee...den i ask..
danii maseh sgl??inqat kan da att.. lol..
he says.. die sgl.
dani says mcm jodoh jek? well..irah tk ley ckp pape..
can't say anythink..
lets see... coz skaranq kite due nk sql ..
n Enjoyyyyyyyyys~
n irahhhhhhh!!!...
pls stop thinkinq about the past...
n kiss the future??? lyk danii says too..
peace ehk dani~
aderader jek taw die nie...

tk ley tdo... ade tk org nk nyanyi kan lagu??ke nk tepok irah sampai irah tdo?? lol..
fake ehk... hees~


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

hey guys !
tadii irah kluarr nan ila;my sys la kans..
kite gy amk... jln2 la akns...
hahahs !! love to go out wip her..
walaupn kite due ejekk kua tadyy..
but i think it is fun kua nan due orgg..
hehehehe !~
blood sys is loves ..
muah muah ~
peace.. hmmphhhh ...
den lepak jab pat blk..
den.... da tu sume gy np....
n went back home..
n ya.. tadi beli tokoyaki..
irah suke mkn tuhh... hahahasss...
oh ya.. but did not take pics wip herr.
heee :D

Monday, March 16, 2009

comp lag la kansss...
no mood to updates...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

heyy ppl..
narii hujann tk stop la kns..
cold colddd ~
smlm irah mimpi ex irahh oooh goshh aqainnnn !!~
naperr nie die slalu jelme dlm mimpi irah??!
hmmphh wth...
but kan.... irahh da tknk fell in love uhh kans..
tkt to be heartbroken lagyy..
but but.. if da jumpe lelaki idaman irah..
den i'll think aqainn..
oh goshhhh !~
hmmphh !~
k la... tu jek. ntq more to say.

Oh Baby - CintaLaura

Friday, March 13, 2009

tadii bella kol n say sat cancell..
aiyoyoooo ! mendak la gynie...
pk nk gy marina....
n da blg billy pon...
but tk jadyy...
lol ! taper la....
sok nk gy manerr ehk?? lol

hahahas ! mendakk la gynie..
tkper takperrh ((:
soo tk jady trn yawww...
kk daaa~

Thursday, March 12, 2009

heyyyy there!
taddy chat wipp many ppl !..
but bored laaa jgk..
chat wip billy,afian,unta berg......
lol !! :D..
chat nan billy klakarr la kans !
billy da mcm cikgu2 sehh..
tk bagy org ponteng skolaaa. hahahahss
tapi sok org mcm mls nk gy skool..
billy ley uat ape?? ahhahas lol !!!
n yaa.... chat wip unta berg pon ok ok la ((:
nga mendakk niee !!~
n ya.. sat mungkin kua nan bellafeat !
yeyy !~
hmm..... n now.. hungry la irahh..
nk mam la.. kk tc guys !~
chiows !
n tuu sume of the conversation of me n billy (:
some jekk.
hhahaahss !! nice chattinq wip ya !~
alaaamak !~
tkleyy pcet conversation tu arhh.
heeeheee oppppsssy !..
takperh2... .
hehehhee ~
peaceee tawukk.
lalalalaallalalaa ...
kecoh kecoh !

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

actualy irah haf nothing to write..
hmmphhh ! but i noe that todayyy tk gy maner2...
tk pi skolaaa bcoz im still not feeling too well...
n yaaa... lil bit bored now...
i guess just chattinq jek la pat msn..
hmmphhh !..
soo tu jekk uh...
sowie sowie nothing to say ..

Monday, March 9, 2009

new pic of me :P
Todayy was a very cold day la kans.. !! pat yishun ujan lebat sehhh !~
not in veryy good mood ! sebab irah demam...
butt tkperh..
hahahhs !..
hmmmm.. btw sowiee la akns readers !! tk update fer long tym sebab busyy wip skooll n moree.
Project in school was sooo bored..
sejukk la skarnggg !!..
heeeheee ~
hmmph n i mishh Ayla,Yani n more
soooo muchhh yg slalu trn marina wip irahh n my sys,ila !
ohhhhhh goshhh ! damn mishhh !!~
hmmph :(
kk hope to meet them backkk !~
since hp rosak ssh nk contact.. lyk FUCK !..
takperh2 relek irah.
wakakaaaaaa !~

laguu nie sedeh n sdeap la kans !! :D
... peace !~

That babychikaa.

101194 ♥
im an easy qoinq person, pampered child ♥
i'll may be your worst niqhtmare at times.(:♥
I may not be perfect but i am who i am.♥
dont lyke me? well who cares ♥

Music Playlist at
safiah tectonicfukinbitch syq ??
Enna syq ??
riri herni syq??
Nasty meow syq??
blood systers:
switykechik syq??
ila beybe cine syq??
Girlfriends cintaa precious ?:
emiiliya syq?
Hunny noninonino syq ?
mirakateqq syq?
nana kido syq ?
nini ciner syq
ayushortie syq ?
Amaliah nauqhty syq
Zakiah syq
Dewi kechiq star syq?
aisyalala syq
Yani babygurl syq?
kak nicha syq
mimispade syq?
mia nyemphet syq?
fyna rascal syq
keisha syq?
lala deluna banqs
zirah syq
Wanie syq
cheha syq
Ayu syq
lyyn syq
naninu syq
nana kaesioww syq
Ennaakechiiq syq?
Nurra syq
Myra keai syq
Syaakechiq syq
Eyfakechyk syq
Shirah beylo syq?
Naina syq?
masturina syg?
ila rockstar syq
Lawren loved
Nazurah syq
Nana ciner syq
Babycino syq
GuysPwenss awesome one ;
kechyq sweets
hussin kuai kuai
ijan rascal
Yayat stupid boy
Dani sat sat


December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
November 2011

Thankyou so much.

.Most teasured in my life :) ♥.