Friday, February 26, 2010

SAFIAHHHHH !Ayu ,, LALA ,, irah

Irah ,, ayuu ,, lala

Helooo werld ! Todayy is northview crosscountry day .
penat naq mampos ! haaahaas .
but fun . snap pics :D
haasss ! soo yaahr ,,
kluar kol 5.30..
myt lala n ayuu .
myt ayu kol 6.00 but die dtq lmbt sediket .
nehhmind la kan :)
she cAme kol 6.30 lyke that .
dhenn eat at mac . . . alas perut lahr kns .
dhen naek bus qo macritchi ...
see tyme ,, dahr lmbt .
but when we cum ,, peoples are still thre ..
:) kecooh . waet fer our class to run..
mcm tunqqu ape qytuk .
soo lonq .
hahahahahaahs ! nehh ,,
its okeyh ..
n lastly ,,

ps /; muke kuu pat tuu masai . sunqquh taq lawarh ..

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Itu Hasrul ..
postinq bout hym today .
Heyy ppls ! today skool was totally sadness and boredom .
this quy in the pic is my bestest pwen .. .
taq kire in skool or luar skola . . . .
he qet suspended fer some reasons . n i dun want to elaborate it .
becoz its sensitive metter .. only hu is close to hyme will noe la kan ...
n im sad .
yes ! sad . . . .
yelahh ,, kwn rapat oi ! . pat kola he seats beside me
bcoz of teachers arraqement . . .
but now in class ,, when ii see besides me ..
thres no hasrul to entertain us . . . nt only me but my whole classmates. .
u said flaq day naq join me n ayuu .
butt ? ...
haisss !! whye did u did this kwn ! ...
but nehmind ... hpe u learn frm ur mistakes.
Thats all i cn say . be stronq ! n dun do it again .
ohh i gotta say . that i dissapointed wip ya .
hmmphs. . . as ii sayy.. just be stronq orites.
nomatter wad . we are besties foever.
kae lahr that all . tc sumehr . CHIOW !

Saturday, February 20, 2010

stated ! qoo read :D

muke maintain . HAHAS !

raawwr !~

shock sendiriekk ! hahs

todayy ntq much to say.. but basically ,,
todayy when out to umahhr nenek . soo bored pat ctuu ...
apehrr laqykk snap pic lohr ! haaahss !
kae dahrr2 eyyk . taqdehr yq menarik tuk diiceritakan ..
soo dipersilakann ENJOY the pic oritees ..

Thursday, February 18, 2010

just a shortpost as for todayy ~
just wanna thanks yanasiiowtii ferr qivinq a ear to listen to my stories..
even iff its throuqh chattinq...
thkss fer the advice,, ancouraqeement nn soo :D
ilysweets ~
uu noe ii noe okeyyh ..
kk tc . :(

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

heloo world :)
soo talk about today huh .. alrite2 .. todayy is soo boredd !
realli .. after skool ,, lepak jab wip ayuu dhen citerh2 :)
soo thennn off hme . mendakk kanss ?
aiyooo . alrite irah otak dahr blank ntq to type lehhh ..
someone chat wip me pat msn ? hmmmm !
okkk someone just chat wip me nw . yahooo ! ahahs ala aru ckeyt orq .
nehmindd2 ! huhuuu ... kehh iirah qylehr . haahs
soo yaa,, kk cyterrh bout skool lahrr eyy ...
tadyykk unespected adehrr EBS coursework . coz today manehrr adeh EBS lesson .
tberh2 adehrr. nasebb ku dtq kolahh , iiff not ?? how?
MAMPOS jawab nyehhr.. ahahahss ... alaahh dtq tapyykk cumehr uat coverpaqe jek buat pehr . ahahhs
coz whyee? cozz internet are down . sume orq taq leyy pakai internet .aderh apehr prob ntahhh .hahas kecohh ahhr kola akuu niek .
dhhennn ,, hasrul kan ddk dpn irah pat lab ,,soo he wispered
" Nazirah ,, kau uat ?? "
ii reply ; noope . beyhh kau uat pehrr?? "
hee reply ; taq arhrr taqdehr internet siiyol .
ii reply ; akuu taq uat tawkk,, taq pahamm uhq ...
he reply ; samehrr uhq . taqya buat sudaa.
ii replyy arhr ahhh ...
he reply ; check2 kau buat ...
ii replyy ; taq lahhhr . ku print coverpaqe jekk .
he reply okk n smile .
hahaahs ! kecohh kan kite ?....
coursework manehrr leyy bobal ... tapyy kite duee bobal jek . hahahs
sumehrr semanqat uat coursework ! hahaahss
okeyyh iirah tawuq iirah taq baek .. ahhahhss
but cekquu suroh continue last week nyeehr werk. . yaq dahr save punyee ..
but ii n hasrull still taq buat . cozz whyee? coz donno how to doo ! ahhahahss ..
kk laaa mendakk siiiyyyaaaakk !
pape ku update laqyk . TATA ..

ps ; AKUU RINDUU SOL ! :( :(
bby cpt lahrr hmleave ,, nqah tunquu niek :( :(

happy berthday in advance ferr u alriqht bby .
is it too earlyy ii wishinq uu ?? ahhh nehmind okeyhh .

cheyyy besok 18 feb , dahr 15 seeyy .. dahr besar dieehr :D
may all ur wishes cum true . . . lets meet soon keyh bhy ..
heppy berthday to u ...
happy berthday to u ....
happy berthday to "Ernie Iryanie"
happy berthday to uuuu :D
wheeee ! thankss ferr beinq myy qood fren till now aites.

ii still remember when mini bobal sat sat nan irah u always back up fer me ...
hahahss ! cite lamhr . but nvr will ai forqet alrite ..
eventhouqh ai dont need u to ... u are such a kind hearted n kecoharable alwayss.
sweet kan akuu . ai noe . k FAKE ! ahahhahs

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

ii just wanna wish u a HAPPY BERTHDAY .
mayy all ur wish cum true . last lonq btw .
n imy doohh !! ahhahahhas .
todayy nvr qoo annywhre :) stay at hme lyke a goodgerl do ..
chated wip Dewikechiq just nw . but nw she is oflyne .
coz she wan lepakk . she ajak mee coz lamehrrr taq jumpehrr .
bt irahh taq lepakk coz mls . hahahs ! sorry dewii .
laen kally okeyyh . :)
soo ya , now veryy BOREDOMM !
haiyyy ! irah dunno wad to doo ..
k la .. pape ii update aqain . BYEE KRGG !!
and to YANIECYNEHRR ! ,,
taqpayaa ckp thanks la bby . uu are really welcum :D

Monday, February 15, 2010


heyy ppl ! akuu rinduu sia niek yanie !hahahs ! inqat taq yaniee when ii ferst met u pat my skool nyerr lua. . tuu pn lala yq knl kann eyy .. iff not ii think we dun noe each other lebeyh dekat . wheeyyyyy rynduu kenanqan lamehrrr.. bila mau meet i text u kae... really misses u to the max siaa ... rinduu kau pehr kecohhh ! hahahs .

btw btw,,, nakmuhh sedehh2 . ok ? hehhe s sayankq kamuuuh..


Bella percaye taq skaranq ,irah masehh simpan swan nyer..
hahahs :D
helooo sumehhrrr ... okeh ferstlyy i wanna say that swan was made by
dearestt boifiee.. im touch that he sanqqup buat swan , surat and anni card
althouqh he is inside.ii noe fer u quys is ntq . but as fer me . its meaninqfull . :(
he will alwayss wanna make me feel happy .
eventhouqh we are far apart . he tried soo hard bcoz he dunt want me
to fall for other quys. n soo , that tym da lamehr jqk uhhq but this year uhq . . i was shock bcoz
this one indian quy noe how to speak malay tibe2 , ask me eyy knl nazirah sec 3 north view sec .
then i say uhhq . im nazirah but sec 4 uhhq. napehr ? n he started to ask me , soo is it u mataer sol ? n ii say yapyap ... hu are u ?? how did u noe ?? n he sayy coz he is sol fren . n sol pesan
that he miss me soo much n sol always citee many thinqs bout me pat dlm . everyniqht think of me n sebelom tdo tqk my qambar .. he say manyy thinqs bout u huh ...
i was freakinq shock . yes really2 ! sanqqup kan bby pesan pat tu indian boy( hys friend) ...
awwww ! bby was too concern bout me . . .
im soo damn touchh . n that indian boy oso say that pls don leave sol no matter wad..
lykkee hello ! irah tawuqq laa. i will nvr leave hym n ii hope that too as for hym .
i love hym soo much . ii noe he has done soo many thinqs just to make me feel qood .
but if u are werried bout me inside . than thats not qud fer me bby ...
bby !! trust me orite . haissss :( imiss bby siaaa... when i read baq all the letters that u qave , ii started to miss u badlyy n ii started to remember bout our past sweet memories.
the way u lauqh , huq, kisss , carinq, sad , hapy....
i missed that day , everyniqht we otp , u sanq fer me manyy sonq ..
:( :( :(
u are my everrythinq dearr ..
thanks fer the swan n everythinq once aqain .
n ohh , as for todayy ntq muchh . chat n chat , taqqed n bloq ;D
but yess , chat wip somman . my leapk fren dulu . n he says mataer nan sape karanq ??
ii say adehrr uhq . he say sape???
ii sayy ade laahhh . he is inside n i waet fer hym .
n he sayy whyee u always qot the wronq person ...
i sayy irah taq mataer nan sala orq okeyhhh !!
sol bukan mcm my ex2 yq laenn eyy somman ! ii noe dulu mmq laa irah sala pillih mataer ..
haiiiiss ! sot seyyh . n he sayys soo u waet fer hym ???
i sayy yaap ! i love hym n i waet la FULLSTOP ! n he sayss wahh ! qudgerl
tq sume pmpn tawk cm qynik.
oriteorite thats the con of me n hym ... tatinq uhhq tu anak ... haiyoooh .
n ohhh ii just post a letter to bby :D hope he reply it ...
k tc sumerhhhh :D

Sunday, February 14, 2010

today velentine day surat . boifiee kirim pat bella srh pass me.

this is the surat that boifiee gave mee:) byk oi . i like.
n that is the photo of boifiee. irah print tawkk . :D

lawwahrr kan boifieee nye qravity :D
thumbs up **


ur one n only la kansss !!


[short post ] LEPAK PAT YISHUN :D

just now kua kol 5pm lyke that .
alekk kol 9.30pm lyke that ... soo ferst met mirakateqq.. lepak2 n saw her frenss pluss my frensss .
but mira ask to lepak wip her frens..
soo leypak la jab eventhouqh irah taq knl ...
irah frenly la kansss . soo then tqk kude kepanq !
wheeee. i lykeee... bestt oiiikk !
k thenn off meetinq bella n cicak .
bella bqy swan n surat that sol suroh baqy .
i read it already . its sooo damn sweet . nmpak kan surat pat atas tu ..
seriouslyy ! im sowieee bby coz i nvr reply ur last letter.
busy wip skools . nt wip OTHER GUYS ok !!
bby !! trust me. i love u oniiiie..
kwn biar ramai. kasih biar satuuu ! understood !?
hhahahhas . soo ya . we nvr meet but throuqh surat pn i happy ! :D
k la bhyy ! hope u baq to hmleave soon . jqn nakal2.
ilysm !! irah taq penahh lupehrr u . tidak sama sekalii .
everywhere i qoo , i think of u ..
u ade dairie tulis pahsal ii?.. .
ii pn ade dairiee tulis pahsal u tawkk . JIWERH la kite bhhy !~
huqhuqkisskiss ~

Saturday, February 13, 2010

koranq koranq !~
do relinked me okeys;
jqn taq link tawkk. heeee :D


today is my aniies wip bby , but not celebrate it aqain..

haiss nehh ! its okeyhhh :(

try to understand the situation ...

bhyyy ! bile u nye hmleave kate feb ? ntahh eyy .

hmmmph ...

but no matter wad happens ,

im happy that we have qone this far . n i noe we cn qo more far rite bby ??

n thankss fer beinq there whenn i nid u ..

no matter wad i'll waet fer u .

n ohhh 2morrow is a velentine day n i bouqht fer bby sumthinq
but taq dpt jumperhh. :( :( nehmind when he is out , i give that advance present . lol

Friday, February 12, 2010

sooo basically todayy in sch was fun .
they are all celebratinq CNY .
soo after skool went lepak wip ayu , halisah ,apul fer awhile .
dhen halisah n apul qo hm ( the two adekbradek) .
me n ayuu lepak tmpt laen :)
haf fun todayy . snap2 pics ..
hahahhss !~
soo yaa , enjoyed . huhu!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

haisss ! now and then thinkinq abt bby .
im freakiinqq misshhh bby like fuck !!
irahh sampai karanqq maseyh blom eply boifiiee letter .mesty bby nqah waet fer myy eeply..
haiisss. everydayy kept readinq boifiee leter .ssoo toouuch.sampai airmate laqy ckeyt nk jatoh. n thanks fer the biq swan that u made fer me. haiss :( :(
boyfiee .. if u qet ur hmleave , i will meet u oritess ...
kol me when u are out :(
i want to huq n kiss uu ..
bby !! i noe that u werried bout me . dunt weery kae
cozz i will always waet fer uu till u are out frm that place n learn frm ur mistakes kae.
ilyforeverr !!~
remember those promises ...
i want u to noe that u are one n only who's cn captured my heart .
u will always be there to make me smile ..
u are my bestest boifieee eventhouqh sometyms we haf our ups n down ..
bby !! just one that i really want frm u ,
that is : dont ever says qoodbyess whenever there are challenqers .
i meant wad i wrote here bby ...
superrbaby .

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Heellooo deareest[!]
today in skool was okay arhh .tak borinq tak fun jqk ..
just nice ... hahas .sooo ya , kene stay baq tadyk coz whye ?
cozz cikqu naq bobal pahsal N level registration ..
pehrrr panjanq diee pehr bobal . leyy tdoo jab irahh tawk . hahahs
soo thann actually must see my conseller , coz she naq talk pahsal ape ntahh ..
mepekkss la kans .. sooo tell my conseller that cnnt stay baq.
n she said okeyys bt tomorrow makesure im in skool .
aku da tauu daa , die kalau taq jumpe orq taqleyy ke . haiyoo lecehh siaa naq dqr die perhh bobal .. da la boball mcm lecture orq ..
takperhh la . im patient . hahahhas !
soo yaa, ntq much to sayy .. be updatinnq aqain if im boredd .
or mayb tomorrow than update. see how la kaees ...
"3days to my 5 mthsarry wip boifiee .."
hw ai wishh he qets hys hmleave on that special dayy .
haisss .. i misss hyym badlyy siaa :((

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

ku sentiase kuai kuai :)
sol koi aku punyeeehhhhr dohh !~

gambar niek tyme blom potonq frinqe . :)

Gambar Tertinqqal ;

Monday, February 8, 2010

ayu , irah , apul
ayu n me:)

maaf taq rotate . huhu lazy laa. n thats my besties AYU !~

Kayyys basically , ai did not edit this pic.. whye?? bcoz of lazyness. HAHA...
natual tawk tawk . hoho ~
niek tayme ku cabot kola .... last few daysss :)

Boo-chakkkkk !
heyyy sayanggg2 kuu !!
im backk .....
soo yaaa .. life cam biasee jekk .
waitink fer boifiee returnss... bhyy !!
lmbt nye u perh homeleavee ...
takpeee ! irah waet kaee.. hhmmphh .
soo yaa.. btw my sys n mum da beli kan me hp :D
wohohoooo ~
soo selame irahh taq on comp , taq rinduu rinduu irahh ke??
ahhahahahhs ! ... hmmph apehr laqy naq bobal eyyk ...
oh yaaa . i've relink krq n link krq ...

if sape2 yq i tak link or relink . do tell me kayss.
loveeekrggsoomuch !~

to my boifiee;

i noe life has been tough ... all bcoz u are inside..
but bby ! lyk ai promise u , i'll waet fer u even it iss soo soo
hurtful fer me to live without u by my sidee...
i miss the day we laugh , fouqht , manjeee n moree...
n im sooo touch that our ferst monthsarry , u bouqht fer me a couple necklace n blanjehh me.
i wass sooo touchhhh ! lyke serioussllyy .n at that ferst anni i never buy fer u anything :(
all bcozz i have not enouqh moneyy .
n u told me , its okeyyh , i as ur quy mestyy la kene blanje u .
n all of a sudden i smileee at u n wink u ..
inqat taq bhy . haissss...
nn byhh , inqat taqqq when ur hand kene ape ntah ,n u told me its painfull .
i quicklyy kiss ur hand n sayy u okeyh taq ...? hahahsss .. dhen i say in my heart nape akuu cium tanqan diee.?.
n u wana to noe y??? bcoz i loveee hym soo muchhhh ..
n now i terribly sad ... but i noe i cn sabar n tempuh cabaran niek eyyy b...

haissss... but i terribly sad when u said abt ur ex . im sorryy but i've to let thinqs outt .
if u bace niekk .. nakmuu sedehh kaee..
yellaaa.. u said u love me num1 .
second thatt qerl [insertname] .... sakeeyyt jab aty . but i did nt show u that tymm ...
whyye? coz ntahhh .. tak nak tunjok jee..
buttt still aderh orq tanyerr2 niek sol , (insertname) nyerr ex ey?
lykk heloo krqq... niek bukan irah mara krq.. cumeee sdehh jekk .
iff uu noe sol (insertname) nyee ex , whyee ask ...
aiyoooo . nehmind laaaa... Understoodddd !
hmmph ... but no matter wad , my love fer u is sincereee .


That babychikaa.

101194 ♥
im an easy qoinq person, pampered child ♥
i'll may be your worst niqhtmare at times.(:♥
I may not be perfect but i am who i am.♥
dont lyke me? well who cares ♥

Music Playlist at
safiah tectonicfukinbitch syq ??
Enna syq ??
riri herni syq??
Nasty meow syq??
blood systers:
switykechik syq??
ila beybe cine syq??
Girlfriends cintaa precious ?:
emiiliya syq?
Hunny noninonino syq ?
mirakateqq syq?
nana kido syq ?
nini ciner syq
ayushortie syq ?
Amaliah nauqhty syq
Zakiah syq
Dewi kechiq star syq?
aisyalala syq
Yani babygurl syq?
kak nicha syq
mimispade syq?
mia nyemphet syq?
fyna rascal syq
keisha syq?
lala deluna banqs
zirah syq
Wanie syq
cheha syq
Ayu syq
lyyn syq
naninu syq
nana kaesioww syq
Ennaakechiiq syq?
Nurra syq
Myra keai syq
Syaakechiq syq
Eyfakechyk syq
Shirah beylo syq?
Naina syq?
masturina syg?
ila rockstar syq
Lawren loved
Nazurah syq
Nana ciner syq
Babycino syq
GuysPwenss awesome one ;
kechyq sweets
hussin kuai kuai
ijan rascal
Yayat stupid boy
Dani sat sat


December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
November 2011

Thankyou so much.

.Most teasured in my life :) ♥.