Wednesday, March 31, 2010

i missh my boifieee truckloadddsss !
not in a mood for bloging todayy . .
i'll find other days to update my bloq .
tc ppl . BHYYYY ! i rinduu uu .

waetinq ~

Saturday, March 27, 2010

ohhhhhhh ! then qood fer u (:
ii noe lahhr krq rapatt ,, but u shud also understand ppl feelinq .
we still younq . we dun no wad will heppend in future .
jodoh taq kemane lahr kann !
yesss u said that u will waet fer ur boiifiee . as ii said u cant predict the future .
u n ur brother rapat ,, sudaa teranqqq uhh!
butt everythinq u do alsoo haf a limit !
even my frienddss all qip me a surpport .
btw kau ckp qytuk pahsal tuu abq kauu . . . i understand ...
but u alsoo mestyy paham nan perasaan dan kehidupan akku .
kite memanq boley rancanq dan berusaha ,
tapy tuhan yanq menentukan segalanya.
nehmind u are still angry wip me ,, but i hope uu think baq what ii haf said .
u still younq . . . suatu hari nantii kau akan faham kehidupan nii . . .

jagan salakan orq laen eyyy !

Friday, March 26, 2010

sol family , i really sorry . . .
did nt meant to bustard sol . .
mama ! im sorry that irah taq last lonq nan sol .
irah harap sol dapat perempuan yanq lebeyh baek dari irah . maafkan irah ma.
bella ! i noe u dissapointed in me . but i already say that im sorry .
niek bukan irah sengaje naq tinqqal kan die
n thnks mama for understand me .
n im touch that u said u lyke me n sol toqether . lyke u said mungkin tiada jodoh .
tapyy kenape baru hari ini mama blq saye semuanya .
sebab selalu nya irah yanq kene tanya.
takpa lahr ma . . . kite maseh boley rapat . . .
harap sol berkawan dengan orq yq baek ckeyt .
mcm mama kate , sol mesty tawu wad is qoinq on walaupn die pat dlm .
but mama ckp nan sol baek2 ok . sayanqq mama .
saya mentak maaf sekali laqy .

reply to bella :

hey hey ! irah bukan bustard sol lahr wheyy . u duno the storyy pls dun say anyhow.
if ur mother taq mrh kan irah . whye u shud mrh kan irah .
just now aruu jek ur mama text me .
yes !! i noe im in wronq coz taq tunqqu die . but u oso must think !!
ur boy still have hmleave . me ?? i dunno when laqy . when i ask u . u oso dunoo .
soo whats up? . . . dhenn i alreaddy qip hym a ltter . butt he did nt reply .
dhen its lyke silent . . . and when he is out ,, we oso duno whether he berubah or not .
coz in the letter he want qo club .
nt only that , i feel sooo lonely . did u noe that ?? taq tauu kan ..its come to the limit sweetheart !
selame ini i have been patient . but nw ,, i really think abt my future .
hw many tymes i have to say sorry !??
n pls dun say ur mother cant accept it . coz we already tok thinqs up .
and i think [insert name] do that also ade reason .
n pls dun same kan me n [insert name] coz ur mother says im much more better .
sorry to say that . . . bella u just dont understand!


to wan : BHyyy !! kol aiii cepat . . risauu kan uu lahr . smlm bukan naq kol . ntahh u klua ke taq . hmmph . kol me asap. . . ily !

Thursday, March 25, 2010

alrite been misinq my boifiee :( bhyy , meeet sooon tawk.
veryyy soon kae? taqmuu paitau . . .And i already see ur post . its was damn sweeets !
daddy , ii hope that u can treasure me with care and concern .
i just don care fer hu u are but i just hope that we cn qive in, trust ,care,
love, understand in relationshyp .
i really love u n i dont want u to be lyke my other ex. . .
kini hanya dirimu Riidhwan di hatyku. . .
bby i trust u and i hope that u only love me n nt others.
apape pn Justt meet soon n ILY NO MATTER WAD !
ohh yaaa !!bhyyy , i maseyh terbayanq2 suare u tawk .
i miss ur voice . . .haas !

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My veryvery SiaoSiao Partnerr ~

Muke kuu masaii . haahs !!

Safiaahhhh beybehhhh !

Back To yesterday storyy . II leypak nan safiah
underr my blk . kejab jee.
coz she is bored . soo i tmn kan die uh.
n soo kind of herr ,, she buy me a smash potato .
sweet pehr kau ! haaas ! We story3 till 7plus . . .
dhen i aleq.
haahahhs !! ok ok heres the photo bby . qrab qoo !


oritesss ! todayy ntq much to say . after skool leypak jab , than qo home . but today in skool quite fun .
haha !duno whye they all very qerek uh today . haas . at skool kept thinkinq of boifieee ,aaaww . bhy kembanq uh . . heees !~

eyhhh bhy ! irah rinduuuu kamu !!
hmmph . . . im scared of losinq u iwan . .
okok ,, soo yaa apul ajak leypak at wdld , but ii taq trn coz ez link tqql ckeyt qeee . n my bbyqrls pn ajk leypak ,, im sorryy quys coz i did nt make it today . next tyme aites.. niek boifiee pn samerhhh ,, myt soon . hahas ! sayannqq kau !

Sunday, March 21, 2010

i dunoo whyeee ,, ii started to THINK !~
if dulu i confident . but now . nt anymore .

Time has passt very fast . . . n yet . i still duno when will hym cum baq . .nobody tell me ... till i have to ask u . . . what i cn say iss ..
i'll waet fer ur return n talk thinqs out .
i just cant stand it anymoree.
u noe that im sufferinq alone outside here ,,
when i think2 baq. . . i felt lyke i have no love frm boifie ,, no care .. if i have a prob , hu will ii share it to . . . no listener ear . hmmps !
i think my friends is true .
u make a mistakes n i have to waet . .
wad if u repeat it aqain ?? ...
its difficult .
we dont nooe riqht what will happened in future .
ppls dun understand !~
onlyy hu have been in my shoe will noe my feelinqs .
im just care abt my future here !
i want the best fer my future . . .
im just confused ~
ppls keep on makinq me jeless coz their boifiee is there to make them smile .
but im happy if they are happy .
haisss . im really sad when i think n think aqain .
i think i really have to talk to boifie when he is out abt my feelinqs.
n hope u really understand . ahhhhq ,, confuseed dok !

just a short post . . . thres more . but i think onli my close one cn noe .
to wan boi : u will noe when ii explain everythinq to u okeyh .

orites2 . . . nqah confusee niekkk .
k chiows

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Love us ?love fer u . .
Hate us?amekk kau . haha ~

heeeelooo sayannq2 kuh..
today lepakinq wip myy bbyqerls aqain~
nini ciner,, Lisa Jepon ,, amaliah Nauqhty && Yaya
ramaii taq turon . nehmind . (:
but but .. miss koranq lahr yq taq turon .
taqpehrr2... ok,,
so today slackinq at eshunn jerh ~
its raininqq . sejokk oiik .
haaahasss !!~
okeyhh todayy wass so qereks !!
heees . i loike !
k apehrr laqyk eyy?ohhh tadykk qereks kan story2 .
heees !
k dahr dahr . . .
pape pcyt kae bbyqurls ~

Friday, March 19, 2010

helooooooooo [!]

; yesterday plan to meet my bbyqurls today pat punqqol ,,
but taq jadyk ,, coz ezlink tqql ckeyt . . . .
sorryy my dearest bbyqurls !!
hmmph . . oritess !~
todayyy ntq much to sayy luhr kanns .
pape ii update aqain oritess !!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

helooo heloo !

today sslaackinq at punggol.

wip my bby qirls n the boys.

ssanggup tawk trn .hehe.

ok im lazy to type ritte nw . . .

so pape just see emiliya blooq . k bye:)

happy doh . rynnnduuu sol koi sayannnq
Monday, March 15, 2010

heyyloo qanq [!]
okeyhh lets story abit bout today .
paqy2 ,, irah dqr bunyi hp ..
dhen irah banqun arhh .
tqk uhhq sape msq .
beyh ii was sooooo damn happy bcoz
mama sol yq msq !!!.
hahahahhas ! happyy qylerhhhhh .
she says sol da bce my surat n he already
see the love pillow that i gave hym
on that velentine day .
eventhouqh die dpt bace my surat lmbt ,,
butt ii verry the happy .
but mama sol kate ,, he cnnt brinq in
that pillow ... .
cume let hym tqk jek . ahas ! okeyh lahr tu bhyy .
n munqkin aprill kan uu hmleave .. ii
harap2 lahhr u dpt hmleave secepatnyee . aminn !
sooo bile boifiee hmleave nnt ,,
leyy pelok hadiah pillow ai utk u kae .
sayyyaanq diee . . .hahahahahhs !!
todayy tmn mama irah nan kaakak
qo jln2 pat tamp mall :D
beyhhh sebelom tuhh pat yishun inter ,,
quess hu aii saw ...
heess ! say hai n smile to her . coz jauhh .
rynnduu uu lahr bhy taq dpt pelok . oh man !. .
. haahs ! -.-
i wanna meet hunny n bella soon boley? heees .
ok da daa .. bby ii still waetinq fer u .
muahhhhhhhhhs !~

Heloooo ;)
todayy irah verryy boreddddd tawk [!]
haas ! okeyhhh ii duno wad to update . lol .
i did nt qo out bcoz pnt or mls ? ahas both . .
ssoo todayy irah qdqerl tawktawk ,,
stayy hme . hees ! myraa ii let u noe when
im free okeyys. . . winks*
oritesss wad more irah naq ckp eyyy ...
hmmphs ,, btw kann irahhh teramat lahr jeless
tqk couples sweets . tawk2 . . hahs ! ok ok drop that subject .
hmmps . apee laqyyk eyyy ..
ohhh nt forqet ,,
i love myy boifiee. .
hahs taq leyy lupehr tawk . muahhaha !~

Saturday, March 13, 2010

ohhh myy god !!

its 13 todayyyy . n its my anni date :(

ohhh lyke aqain we can't qet to celebrate our 6 mthsarry toqether.

riiinnduu the tyme we celebrate it toqetherr. . . .

rindduu the tyme we do thinqs that we alwayss doo . . .

nehhmind . calm down irahh . . . .

just cum baq fast bby . n qip me a kol .

im qona huq u tiqhtlyy n qive u a kisses once u are out ! !

heees . . .

I MISS U ! I LOVEE ! :( :(

cum baq fastttt bby ! im waetinq.

n happy 6 mthsarryy ...

hope we cn qo far kae .

hopee soo .


Friday, March 12, 2010

; Heloooo :D
oritess ppl . today after sch ii qo marsiling lamehr to buy barbel :D
ayuu tmn kan . thnkss yaaw . . . . dhen terserempak kechyq sanchi .
dhenn afterr buy my barbel qo cozway .
eat dhen jln2 . . .
terserempak keshaa ! aii was shock to bump into her.
haahaas ~ meet aqain aites ppls .
irah dpt huq keeshaa tawk tawk :D
one day klua samehrr2 yee:D winks~
dhen off home sweet hme .
:D pkir naq meet apul bt he is nt free today .
nexttymee aites.
kk thats all . short post will do;;

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

i just wana the pics frm liya or yaya :D
at last dpt jumpehrrrr . :)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

HAiisss !~

suddentlyy aii felt sad when ai realise another 4 days is my 6mth annies wip boifiieee. i felt sooo sad . . when aii realise all this while i am all alone wip no boifieee beside me . haisss ! im wonderinq when are u gona be out fer hmleave !
grrrrrrr ~ sadd tawk irahh . if u in my situation ,, u will noe hw hard it is . i swearr ! aii cant take it anymore . hwmanyy dayss orr weeks orr month will it takes to take u to ur hmleave baq?? haiss ! ii noe u are inside sufferinq too . but ... did u noe that i miss u alotts . . . . Lyke ALOOOTS !!
haissh bby ! i miss ur huqs ,, ur smile ,, ur wink,, your kisses ,, ur manje,, ur gurauu ,, ur everythink bby . i miss lepakinq wip u . i miss eatinq famous amos wip uu . i miss jokinq wip u . i misss U !..... sianq dan malam u kenanq diri muu. sayuu nyaa hati ,, kau tiada bersama kuu .

kau baqaikann bintang yanq yanq teranq membuat hatiku berasa tenanq . kuu rinduuu saat kau memeluk erat . dan semua melihat . haiisshhh bby !
but whatsooeverrrr ! im nt gona leave u . . . i noe this is nt what we want. niek sumehr takdir . soo bby ii try to be stronq here . eventhouqh it hurtss . . n ai do hope u will be stronq too . . . . . u were there to liqht my dayss n i hope u will continue to liqht my days when u are out ! ......

di hatiikuu hanya ada satuu name dan satuu orq ia ituu MUHAMAD SOLEHIN :) . . .

BBY ! 4 more dayssss [!] :( :( . . . .. .

BBy ,,

i loveyouu :(

laquuuu niek sedap laahr kanss ! sweets ~

Monday, March 8, 2010

Okeyysss aii run out of werrds ,,
okayss im SOOOOO BOREDDD !
eskkk skoooll babe ....
aiiiyyyy !! ttadyk taq qoo skool coz
mls ! heees .
akuu nyee bbyqerl rynduu akuu .
diee srh dtq kola esk .
bsk mcm mlss qytuk .
but too bad cekguu daahr kol srh dtq esk .
hmmph . wad too doo !
dtq jekkk lurhhh ...
sooo yyaa.
One more thinq : irahh syyq krq laaa... yq slaluu care bout me .
thnks lovess !!
ILY !! safiah tectonic bitch ,, Allysugarsepet ,, nana kido ,, Yaniecynerh :D
krq akkuu pehr sayanq okeyhhh ..

belllaaaaaa !! lambat nye ur abq dpt hmleave !!~

Sunday, March 7, 2010

kuu mls naq tulis2 !

qo stare at my pic . heheheh :D

btw eyyy spammers qo diee ! kau naq judge akuuu??

qykk cerman diri kau dulu uhq siaa !
checkk2 muke kau laqykk pecahhh .

kalauuu jeles nan muke akuuhr ckp jek uhq.

kaninahbeyhcibyee !!

ahhrrrrq ! tuu pic akuu .

tqk puas2 eyy spammers ! .... bdhhh !!!

adehrr atii naq ckp kuu bdh sedanqkan akuu taq knl kau sapa.

hahahhahs ! kental ahhh kau .

dahrrr la taq tulis namehr .

napee ?? takot ! hahhahas.....

qanqster net uhq lu anaq !! ....

wad ai cn say is " YOU HAVE NO LIFE"

dahr taqdehr keje laen naq buatt !...

eyy dahr lahr . mls dooh naq tulis panjanq2 .

spammers manehr tau bce . check2 die uat laqykk .

hahahs da sar stupid !

opss soryy !~

mls naq layannn !~

Thursday, March 4, 2010

[ ayuu n apul ].
snap pic frm behind . without them noeinq . hahaahas !
bluekkks ;P
says FUck off to bitches nokeyh :)

ayyuuuuuu ! akuu punyehr !

AYuuuuuu !
hahahs niek tyme we waet fer apul .

Heyyyylooo qenq :)

hahahaas ! tuu spammers bken akuu ketawee uhhq . pat taqqboard akuu
hahahhs .

kaekae drop that stupid subject ,,

sooo iim qoinq to bloq about yesterdayyyy .

yesterrdayyy was damn FUN !

aii lyke2 ! hahahhs . since yesterdayy irah taq on comp coz of tiredness ,,

soo ii update it todayy ...

a shortpost will do .

soo smlm afterr skool ,, me & ayuu wanted to myt apul .

bcoz soon dahr taq dpt jumpehr dieehr . sadness ! ...

sooo msq hym & myt hym up .

hahahahhahas !

soo we lepak at wdld since its near to apul house . hahas
sooo ,, than we lepak2 . . . waet ferr ketam to arrive ..
kecohrable auuhq kans..
thenn theyy naq belii asap . soo belii kat marsilinq manehr ntahh . idk uh..
soooo isap jab n off to eshun .

ii cant stop lauqhinq ... as they wlk ,,
theyyy makes alot of jokess ...

hahahahss ! . . . stupid jokes mayb ,,haaahs!

butt onlyy dpt snapp siket pic . sedehhh . . .

nehhmind ... laen harii oso cn snap . hahas !

soo overall there only me ,, ayuu ,, apul n ketam :)

aii qerak daryy sanehrr dlm kol 10.30pm .

theyy antar me till wdld inter . . coz they aleq lambt .


myt my ferst sys at eshun iinter . qo pasarmalam jab
buyy food....

ampaii uma dlm kol 11 plus pm.

sooo tiredd leyy yesterdayy .

okeyyy . dahr2.

k lahrr tired ..

bubyeeeeee !!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

heyyloooooooo werld !~

wad aii cn say is that I hate todayy !
buttt the only thinq that make me smile is tyme amek class photo . irah taq tawuu seyhh narii adr photo takinq .

beyhhh irah taq bwk tie ... soo terpakse lahr pinjam orq ...

hahhahahhs ! kecoh oh kecohhh . . .

haiisss !! irahh pn taq tawuuq napehrr iirah bencii todayyy .

ahhhq forqet it lurhh . Ape laqykk eyyyk naq bobal .....
& todayyy weather is lyke sooo hawt siahh !
btl taq bedekk :)
& ohhh tu lala bodow qyk amek ...
hahaahhahhs !! k laa run out of werds .

Monday, March 1, 2010

HEllo Sayankqs !~
since few days ai did not update my bloq ,,
soo im updatinq todayy :)
actually ntq muchh lahr kan ...
sooo yaahhr . . . . hmmphhs ..
Todayy did not qo to skool .. bcoz??
bcozz pnt ! haahaas .... mls qeee !
aii noe today adehr coswerk ..
nehhmind lahr .. pandaii2 lahr irahh yee...
sooo ya ... ai kept thinkinq of bby . . . .
ii even cried in silence when everyone is sleepinq .
haisss . n aii kept dreaminq of bby . sumpah taq bedekkk . . .
ii justt mishhhh bby soooo muchhh !!! qrrrrr ...
qeramm jehrrr . naq myt hyme siaaaa .
abeyhhh kan smlm mimpi sol . . abeyyh kan ii mimpi he huq me tawwwk .
hahahahs . . . maseyh terinqat2 ... haisss .
okeyhh wad aii cn say is . I JELES WIP A HAPPY COUPLES.
hais .....
irah rindu boiifiie. :(
irah sayanq boiifiie :(
irah akn tetap menunqqu boifiiie ... :(
iirah akn brsabar sedit laqyk utk u :(
boiifiie ohh boiifiiieee !

That babychikaa.

101194 ♥
im an easy qoinq person, pampered child ♥
i'll may be your worst niqhtmare at times.(:♥
I may not be perfect but i am who i am.♥
dont lyke me? well who cares ♥

Music Playlist at
safiah tectonicfukinbitch syq ??
Enna syq ??
riri herni syq??
Nasty meow syq??
blood systers:
switykechik syq??
ila beybe cine syq??
Girlfriends cintaa precious ?:
emiiliya syq?
Hunny noninonino syq ?
mirakateqq syq?
nana kido syq ?
nini ciner syq
ayushortie syq ?
Amaliah nauqhty syq
Zakiah syq
Dewi kechiq star syq?
aisyalala syq
Yani babygurl syq?
kak nicha syq
mimispade syq?
mia nyemphet syq?
fyna rascal syq
keisha syq?
lala deluna banqs
zirah syq
Wanie syq
cheha syq
Ayu syq
lyyn syq
naninu syq
nana kaesioww syq
Ennaakechiiq syq?
Nurra syq
Myra keai syq
Syaakechiq syq
Eyfakechyk syq
Shirah beylo syq?
Naina syq?
masturina syg?
ila rockstar syq
Lawren loved
Nazurah syq
Nana ciner syq
Babycino syq
GuysPwenss awesome one ;
kechyq sweets
hussin kuai kuai
ijan rascal
Yayat stupid boy
Dani sat sat


December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
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December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
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May 2011
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July 2011
November 2011

Thankyou so much.

.Most teasured in my life :) ♥.