Saturday, May 29, 2010

Heyloo KPOs !

todayy mendakkk semacamm ! aiiy00 .. dunno whye .

kayy ppls actuallyy no idea wad to update . . .

niee pn pahsal taqnaq kasi my bloq dead ! hahahs .

soo yaaa it's holiday tyme ! but some of the dayss

must qo sch to haf a remedial ! aiiyaa ...

butt the best part is can meet my FRIENDS ! yeepy !

remedial krq mesty dtq kayys! missinq krq alreadY !

eyhh k la tibe2 jekk taq tawuq naq story bout wad ,,

ii update real soon okeys.

hahahahaaa ! c ya !



Thursday, May 27, 2010

No mood to update , but just update laa.
mendakkkk nye pahsal !
Mood : Jwanq and sad .
whyee ? dont ask .
Hasrul im soooo dissapoinetd in you . whye?
i think ii dont need to elaborate it here right?? !
haisss ! just wanted u too think carefully whye
i am this sad n anqry wip ya ... hmmphs ,,
k la cut it up ,, soo tadyy teranqauun lambatt ..
i wake up around 7.10am ,, and i see the clock . .
ohh its already late !but so silly of me ,
coz ii decided to sleep back .
hahahahhs ! lazyy siaooo -.-
soo than 10.00am ,, wake up aqain coz theres msq .
ii check it out la kanss ,, sooo than my teacher msq .
and ask whye did not cum to schh .. soo whenn da wake up tuu
quicklyy text my techer baq. as i felt soo bored stayinq at home ,,
ii decided to qo sch ,, siap2 qytuk-qyniek ,,
it about 11.00am !! haahahss ! late qylerr siaao .
thenn actually must report to mr rajif ,,
but i did not coz ,, suspect must qo DC .
soo kaysiao sikeytt uhh taq byk ehh . tros qo music room , bcoz
its music lessons . ppls keep on askinq me whye late n so n soo ...
lazy to ans but just do it . hahhahs !! lucklyy theyy never careq me .
LOL !!! so baek riqht , da lambat laqyk naq dtq kolaa .
ohhh yaa ii got to gooo , coz ader parents meetinq ..
see my result .
TATAA !lurv yaaa :D :D

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

No idea wad to wrote heree ! hahas !
will update tmr laa yeer . . .
Take careee !*wink*

Monday, May 24, 2010

Heyloo readers !! saw that picture on top ??
that is the old pic of me , dewikechiiq and eeena !

i misss those tymes alots .

haiss ! !The memories that we been thruqh , nvr will i forqet .

you both are my sweetest friend baybehh !Yes ,

at times we fiqht but no matter wad ,

i still remembered the times we ton togetherr !

memories ohh memories !

tapyy sayanqnyee , skaranq da jaranq jumpeee.

but u will always be remembered by heart !

Not forqotten , i loved Hunny noni , Safiah , Yanie cynehr ,
Emiliya , Lisa jepon , nini cyner && Zakiah too !

Sunday, May 23, 2010

irah tqhh pusinqq careq bloqskins . aiiyoooo ,, ssh betol naq careq yq lawar2 ..
hmmph ! just chaqe the backqround onii n edit my bloq jeeq.
mendakkkkkk dooh !
sokkk kolaaa , aiiyooo ! must qoo ehh irah ! hahahs
okok ,, todayy taq kluarr .. stay at home jeq !
YEAHH ! recieve a text frm sol mama ,, June sol klua fer hmleave mayb uhhq , mama sayys.
but dunno yet . cpt hmleave ,, preetyy PLSSSSSSSS bby ! **step cute face*
haahs! k laaa gota ntq to storyy abt ...
tmr ai update okk readers !?
muahmuahh ~

Thursday, May 20, 2010

been changinq my Blogskins real soon pls !

feat Apul. HANYA KWN :)

MYself :D
feat ikadora

Feat Ayulolly

helo heloooo EVERYONE !!

waahhhh !! aii mish blogginq sia ...
since my comp uat hal ckeyt ai cant update my bloq, my taqqed. .
hmmph but everythinq is fine now . YEAH ~
krq rinduu irah taq??? hahahs !
orite2 .. lets cite abt my LIFE !
kay cite pahsal smlm dulu ,

smlm sekola mcm biasaa . but smlm was FUN .
smlm kiteorq ade elective module :D
dhen they bwk qe saloon to learn somethinq abt hairstylinqq .
but somethinq really make me anqry at there .
adr niek laki keep on disturbinq me n others.
sooo irritatinq siaa. haa !but nehhh ,,
soo then reach school and off home . . .
when reach hme ntq to doo ..
behh boutt naryy plk ,
todayyy nvr qo school , stamach cramp lahhr.
sooo decide to stay hme. but abit borinqq.
hmmph !~ AND seriouslyy where are my friends qone too?
i misss each of my FRIENDSS alooots dooh !
alriqhttt soo back to my life storyy ,,

my life was awesome this dayss .
i'm happy bcoz theres someone hu liqhts my everydays.
Even if he is insidee but he alwayss qip me a letter filled with your
sweets words . You show me ur care, concern , fear , loves , happyness , sadnesss.
i love u the way u are. .
dlm diam2 u ader spy eyk?! lols . . kk cut the crap .
soo then everyniqht ii read your letters .
when ii read it i cn really feel lyke how u did.
sol ! thnks fer beinq there when ai need u . . .
and you mama said soon you mayb get homeleave .
when u get ur homeleave makesure kol me alriqhts !
qonaaaa misssh u !! alriqhhts ,, maybe u readerss will be in confuse stage ,

whye irah this and that ...
But i'm not gona answerr . . . what is importat sol koi is mine .
he knows everythinq abt me even he is inside , but his patience and his
forqivess alwayss touches my heartt .

and this poem really touches my heart,
he wrote a letter when he knows that i've already have other guy in my heart . .
and what ai want you to read is the poem ,
read ......

the poem :
The promisses we made have vanish,
everyniqht i look at the moon and stars ,
thinkinq of me and you ,
but one day it had been seperated ....
and now the moon i am looking everyniqht is sad
and crying ..
coz the stars have qo away leavinq the moon alone ..
and never leave a sinqle word.

Then after ai replied hym the leter n the poem ,
this is wad he reply :

Yesterday i saw the moon ...
and its look lyke a smile face...
then i think of you smilinq at me ,
i also think about your blink ...
Then the moon was tellinq me
that you still love me ..
but i did'nt believe ,
then the very next dayy your letter came ,
i read it and it was true..
what the moon have tell me and
now i want both of us to be together and forever !..
is'nt that sweet?? oh goshhh , ppl make mistakes rite??.
soo yaaa. .. its settle . YAHOO !

coz i realise without u , my life will not be lyke the day we know each other .
we lauqh lyke nobody business.
we blink2 at each other and mayb ppl will tot that we are crazy ...
and i just cant forqet the dayy we have a cat fiqht. . .
hmph !! ...
and i love watchinq u playinq arcade.coz whenvever u play arcade ,
you will always smilinq .
i just cant forqet our memories ~

ok then will update tmr . see yaa !

can?? ! :D
salam sayanq,,
loves solkoi

That babychikaa.

101194 ♥
im an easy qoinq person, pampered child ♥
i'll may be your worst niqhtmare at times.(:♥
I may not be perfect but i am who i am.♥
dont lyke me? well who cares ♥

Music Playlist at
safiah tectonicfukinbitch syq ??
Enna syq ??
riri herni syq??
Nasty meow syq??
blood systers:
switykechik syq??
ila beybe cine syq??
Girlfriends cintaa precious ?:
emiiliya syq?
Hunny noninonino syq ?
mirakateqq syq?
nana kido syq ?
nini ciner syq
ayushortie syq ?
Amaliah nauqhty syq
Zakiah syq
Dewi kechiq star syq?
aisyalala syq
Yani babygurl syq?
kak nicha syq
mimispade syq?
mia nyemphet syq?
fyna rascal syq
keisha syq?
lala deluna banqs
zirah syq
Wanie syq
cheha syq
Ayu syq
lyyn syq
naninu syq
nana kaesioww syq
Ennaakechiiq syq?
Nurra syq
Myra keai syq
Syaakechiq syq
Eyfakechyk syq
Shirah beylo syq?
Naina syq?
masturina syg?
ila rockstar syq
Lawren loved
Nazurah syq
Nana ciner syq
Babycino syq
GuysPwenss awesome one ;
kechyq sweets
hussin kuai kuai
ijan rascal
Yayat stupid boy
Dani sat sat


December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
November 2011

Thankyou so much.

.Most teasured in my life :) ♥.